Designed specifically to increase your strength, to maintain your Tactical Conditioning fitness, maintain your cardio vascular endurance and to prevent injuries by focusing on correcting imbalances with targeted movements and emphasis on stretching. This is something a lot of other programs just don’t have the experience to do.

The Warrior360 Program is the ultimate all-rounder in strength and conditioning programs for those tactical athletes that require a well-balanced, structured and designed strength plan to stay on top of their operational game. The program was developed and designed by the Coaches at Overwatch Fitness to completely work on all facets of your operational fitness requirements and to make sure that all areas are covered. When we say that it has it all covered then we mean it. Hence the Warrior360 Program is a must have.
In the Warrior360 Program, particular attention is given to your strength training and also your mobility prior to the sessions. This is to reduce injuries while in your operational roles and to enhance your strength and speed while completing the program through to the end.
The Warrior360 Program will build on your strength through progressive overload, you will be exposed to variations of sets and different levels of tempo and the Uni-Lateral movements will develop your core and overall strength to take your capacity to the next level. All exercises are specifically combined to bring you the complete 360-degree training plan. You will be sore but you will love the growth.
We have made sure that the program has the right lifts and exercises that will give you the accurate repetition and consistency to ensure that you see results in your training but giving more than enough variety to keep the training interesting and enjoyable as it is intense.
You will be offered a library of exercises and sessions to add to your tool kit to make sure that your own training never lapses but rather continues to improve greatly through effective and purpose designed sessions. This program will give value and bang for your buck. It is currently being used and incorporated into the continuation training plan of Tactical Operators to keep them on their game.
‘Effort Based Results is the motto at Overwatch Fitness. This ethos means that we give you the tools to achieve what is required, but it is up to you to put the effort in. your results are directly proportional to how hard you push yourself.
Honesty and accountability to yourself will give you the best results and the most satisfaction. If you really want it then you’ll find a way. If you don’t then you’ll find an excuse’.
You earned your spot. Now its time to keep it.
Recommended for Intermediate to Advanced athletes
- Strength and Tactical Conditional program
- 1 x training session a day
- 6-7 x training sessions a week
- Complete All-Rounder program
- Spread the training sessions out and Rest Days as you require to fit them in
- Additional sets, extra conditioning and cardio sessions added into most days
- Maintain a 5km run distance
- Strength / Conditioning and Uni-Lateral focussed sessions
- Recommended to be completed as a strength improvement program
- 9 x weeks duration
- Requires access to a fully functional gym
- Programmed rest days or rest when required
- Testing phase at the end to track your progress
- Mobile device compatible
- Good for increasing your strength and maintaining your tactical conditioning
Single payment of $184.95.
Not available as a subscription