Recruit Ready
The Recruit Ready program is specifically designed for the potential recruit to enact real change or those already starting the journey of what it is to be an Emergency Responder.
Developed with the sole focus on achieving the pass mark entry requirements needed as a recruit or trainee in your chosen field.
These job roles in our community come with an obligation to protect others and require your commitment to serve. Fitness in all these roles plays a key part and may be the difference between you completing the task or the mission. You will be the person that people turn to when they are in trouble, so you must ensure your fitness does not let you, your colleagues, or the people you are protecting down.

Entry to these professions is subject to fitness requirements that you must achieve in order to progress. The trainers at Overwatch Fitness know exactly what these requirements are because they have undergone them in their own journey and have also trained other successful applicants to be the next group of Emergency Responders.
Training in this program gives you the ability to not only pass these assessed fitness requirements but to excel at them. The requirements of the following entry testing are incorporated into this program:
- Pre enlistment Fitness Assessment (PFA) for the (ADF)
- Queensland Police Service (QPS) Recruit Entry Fitness Assessment
- Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) Recruit Entry Beep Test
The program specifically includes training and testing for the following competencies:
This program follows the crawl, walk, run method. First, the program establishes a fitness baseline then build from there. You will be exposed to a variety of training methods along the way to ensure a well-rounded and holistic result. This program has been developed to enable you to accomplish the entry requirements of the Australian Defence Force and the Emergency Service you are looking to join.
You will engage in testing though out the program which will show your progress and you will be able to see how far you have truly come. Once you complete this program you will have the confidence of knowing how you will perform when your testing day comes. Use this new confidence and you will already start to stand out from the other applicants.
Weeks 1 to 3 of the program will establish a base line and start to get you into a fitness routine. Week 1 will involve a testing phase to see where your fitness level is at and provided much needed data for you to feed into your program to move forward. Do not fear testing phases as they will ultimately show you how far you have come when you look back. Week 2 will begin to push your body with cardiovascular training and body weight exercises.
Weeks 3 and 4 will develop your strength and speed through resistance, interval training and distance running.
Weeks 5 and 6 will introduce circuit training and work on your power before you are tested again.
‘Effort Based Results’ is the motto at Overwatch Fitness. This means that we give you the tools to achieve what is required, but it is up to you to put the effort in. Your results are directly proportional to how hard you push yourself. Honesty and accountability to yourself will give you the best results and the most satisfaction. If you really want it then you’ll find a way. If you don’t then you’ll find an excuse.
You have made the decision to be the one running into danger. Now it’s time to complete your training to ensure you take your place.
Recommended for Beginners.
What’s in the Program:
Core elements of the program:
- 1 x session a day
- 5 x sessions a week
- Cardio and Strength
- Focused on entry test requirements
- 6 weeks duration
- Programmed rest days
- Testing phases
- Good for recruit prep or for a seasoned athlete maintenance program
- Mobile device compatible
Single payment of $79.95.
Not available as a subscription.


John Doe