The Operator Actual
So, you’ve decided that you want to be a Tactical Operator? You want to make it to the top and you’re not about to let anything get in your way. The Operator Actual program is designed just for you.
The decision to make this step to be a part of the Tactical Group is not to be taken lightly. By now you’re well and truly versed with fitness, goal-oriented training and you know where you want to get too. You’re doing this by yourself and sometimes its lonely at the front. Having the knowledge of what has been tried and tested to complete the intensive fitness assessment would be a massive ‘up armour’ for your training plan.

This is where the Operator Actual Program comes in. It was developed for this sole purpose. Made by Operators for the next gen of up and coming. Is this for you? Do you have what it takes to get what you want? Will you step up?
The program is specifically focused on achieving the assessed benchmarks required to pass the fitness selection process to make it onto the course and have the chance to be a Tactical Operator. During your selection process you will be put under physical and mental duress. You will be expected to complete complex tasks while tired and perform at the optimum level as if you were fresh. Most will fail. If you want to be standing at the end, then you will need to prepare. You will need to focus, and you will need to push yourself harder physically and mentally then you have ever done before.
“If you fail to prepare then you are preparing to fail”.
The Operator Actual Program has been used by current serving Tactical Operators to achieve their own goals. The program is hard. It’s designed that way. You will be sore, and you will be expected to back it up again and again.
It is strongly recommended to complete the Pre – Operator Program prior to commencing the Operator Actual Program. If you have done so, then you know what you’re in for. You’ve already been exposed to some of the training methods used and the tactical strength and conditioning techniques that are implemented to get you to an advanced fitness level.
If you want to test yourself, to make it to the top then your already on the right path and Overwatch Fitness will show you the way. But you earn your place.
There are no free rides. The role of an operator is not just a job, but it’s a lifestyle. They are constantly looking to better themselves. They are never going to be the guy to let the team or themselves down. They maintain the standard even when no one is watching. This is the commitment that you must give to be at the top of this game. The Operator Actual Program will start off by testing you. This will be the benchmark for you to focus and drive hard every day. You will be tested again throughout the program and you can track your way forward with actual results. Immediately, you are pushed with extra conditioning sessions, functional training, body weight, interval running for speed, distance for endurance and strength. Then you be asked to do it all again. Are you ready for the challenge? Are you ready to start?
Signature Sessions
Exclusively to the Operator Actual Program. These sessions are added into your training plan. The sessions are provided and used by current serving Operators as daily conditioning training. These sessions are implemented to provide variety in your training plan and to show you the standard that current Operators are maintaining. These Signature Sessions are hard, but you’ll be glad that they are there. Train how the guys in the unit do. Set yourself up for success and have no surprises.
‘Effort Based Results’ is the motto at Overwatch Fitness. This means that we give you the tools to achieve what is required, but it is up to you to put the effort in. Your results are directly proportional to how hard you push yourself. Honesty and accountability to yourself will give you the best results and the most satisfaction. If you really want it then you’ll find a way. If you don’t then you’ll find an excuse.
Recommended for advanced athletes.
What’s in the Program:
Core elements of the program:
- 1-2 x training sessions a day
- 9 x training sessions a week
- 7 x extra conditioning sessions a week
- Cardio and Endurance
- Tactical Strength and Conditioning
- Functional and Body Weight Conditioning
- Recommended that the Pre – Operator Program is completed prior to conducting the Operator Actual Program
- Exclusive Signature Sessions
- 16 x weeks duration
- Programmed rest days
- De – load weeks
- Programmed stretch and recovery sessions
- Testing phases
- Mobile device compatible
- Good for concentration training to attempt a tactical operator course by getting to elite fitness levels
Single payment of $279.95.
Not available as a subscription.


John Doe