The Emergency


The Emergency Responder program is designed for those progressing through their recruit training into their job specific course for the Emergency Services to reach the fitness standards that are demanded.

The program isn’t just for the new trainees. It is well and truly diverse enough for even those that have been in the job for a while and want to kick start their fitness goals and re-engage with the proven benefits of being physically active, strong, and disciplined while performing their current role. Its for those that want to train like the young guns. Just like all Overwatch Fitness programs, it is scalable and based off your own individual 1 Rep Max. This means that you’ll truly get out of it, what you put in. 
The program is specifically focused on achieving the assessed benchmarks required to pass each emergency service’s trainee course which sets the base standard for their career for years to come. The Emergency Responder Program was developed to ensure the required pass mark standards of the Queensland Police Academy Fitness Assessment and QFES Operational Focused Abilities Test (OFAT) are not just met but rather well and truly exceeded in all criteria.

You are on your way to your dream job and learning the specific training, skills, attributes, and values of what it means to be an Emergency Responder. Passing your next phase of training and testing is not a free ride and no easy task. You must put in the effort now and prepare for the tests to come. It is not just showing up and going through the motions but you’re there to get the job done.
Exceeding the fitness standards will not only assist you in passing your course or to do your current role but will make all aspects of your new career choice easier in general.

Your base line fitness has been set and this program will build on that by increasing your strength, cardiovascular, functional, and tactical conditioning. It will push you hard to increase your aerobic and anaerobic thresholds and drive you to reach your goals. You will be pushed, and you will be tested but you will be better.

As you know by now, fitness in your current role plays a key part and may be the difference between you completing the task or the mission. You are the boots on the ground and there may be a time when no one is coming to save you. You and you alone must set your standard and prepare for the time the test comes.

Training in this program gives you the ability to not only pass these assessed fitness requirements but to excel at them. The requirements of the following entry testing are incorporated into this program:

  • Queensland Police Service (QPS) Police Academy Fitness Assessment
  • Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) Operational Focused Abilities Test (OFAT)

The program specifically includes training and testing for the following competencies:

  • Beep Test
  • 200m swim
  • Functional Fitness for Operational Scenario tests
  • Stair climb
  • Equipment Hauling

As with all Overwatch Fitness programs, we first establish a fitness baseline by testing where you are at then build from there. You will be exposed to a variety of training methods along the way to ensure a well-rounded holistic result. You will engage in testing though out the program as well which will show your progress and you will be able to see how far you have truly come.

The program is not set. This means that you complete the program as you fit it around your life. What you get is 12 weeks of a structured training plan to be completed in at your pace to achieve results and you don’t have to think about what to do in the gym. We have done that for you already. 

This is a 4 phased program.

The program is not set. This means that you complete the program as you fit it around your life. What you get is 12 weeks of a structured training plan to be completed in at your pace to achieve results and you don’t have to think about what to do in the gym. We have done that for you already.

Phase 1 – We establish your current baseline standard then you begin to develop your strength and muscle conditioning.

Phase 2 – You begin to work on your endurance and conditioning through more functional and circuit-based training. You have well and truly been exposed to functional metabolic conditioning by now. By the end of this phase, you are tested again to track your progress and to hold you to account for your efforts.

Phase 3 – We now start to further work on the building blocks that we have firmly put in place with strength and muscle development as the focus.

Phase 4 – You spike your training with more focus on your endurance and muscle conditioning through even more challenging functional training. All the training is with an overarching component of tactical conditioning and what you can expect to do out in the field. You then taper off before making the final testing component to quantify your achievements.
‘Effort Based Results’ is the motto at Overwatch Fitness. This means that we give you the tools to achieve what is required, but it is up to you to put the effort in. Your results are directly proportional to how hard you push yourself. Honesty and accountability to yourself will give you the best results and the most satisfaction. If you really want it then you’ll find a way. If you don’t then you’ll find an excuse.
You have made the decision to be the one running into danger. Now it’s time to complete your training to ensure you take your place.

Recommended for Beginners to Intermediate athletes.

What’s in the Program:

Core elements of the program:

  • 1 x session a day
  • 5 x sessions a week
  • Cardio and Strength
  • Muscular endurance and conditioning
  • Focused on training course benchmarks and test requirements
  • 12 weeks duration 
  • Structured training plan that is able to be conducted around your life schedule
  • 1 -2 extra functional Metcon sessions per week
  • Programmed rest days
  • Testing phases
  • Mobile device compatible
  • Good for developing and maintaining the strength and endurance required to be an Emergency Responder


Single payment of $144.95.

Not available as a subscription




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    John Doe

    The Emergency Responder


    Emergency Responder Meal Plan

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