Body Armour

Do you want to increase your Metabolic Conditioning through high intensity training and functional movements? Did you want to mix up your current training plan and really work on your Body Weight exercise standards?

Then the Body Armour Program is for you. The Coaches at Overwatch Fitness know that not everyone wants to commit to a year of training for a tactical operator course, but we didn’t want you to miss out on some of the training sessions we put together either. With conditioning and body weight circuits taken straight from the Pre – Operator and Operator Actual programs, this is the perfect way to shock the body and increase your threshold for endurance and strength and further your capacity to push yourself through to the end of your sessions.

With high intensity training, you will sweat and feel the burn. You will increase your strength and endurance. Within a short and sharp month of sessions you will see and feel the results. Then you will have these sessions up your sleeve next time your training partner wants to talk a big game.

For most of the sessions you only need very limited equipment to get the job done. This Covid proof training plan will allow you to mix and match sessions anywhere anytime to not only pass a lock down period until the gym opens again but to make real progress and feel the results.

This program will be with you for a long time and well after the 4 weeks have finished and with all fresh, new training ideas, it will become a regular extra into your normal strength routine.

‘Effort Based Results’ is the motto at Overwatch Fitness. This means that we give you the tools to achieve what is required, but it is up to you to put the effort in. Your results are directly proportional to how hard you push yourself. Honesty and accountability to yourself will give you the best results and the most satisfaction. If you really want it then you’ll find a way. If you don’t,  then you’ll find an excuse.

Recommended for Beginners to Intermediate athletes,

What’s in the Program:

Core elements of the program:

  • 1 x session a day
  • 4 x sessions a week
  • Metcon
  • Strength building
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Combined circuit
  • Mix and match sessions to suit your training
  • Sessions are straight from the Operator programs
  • 4 x weeks duration
  • Programmed rest and recovery days
  • Mobile device compatible


Single payment of $69.95.

Not available as a subscription.

program SAMPLES


    REVIEWS (135)




    John Doe

    Body Armour


    Body Armour Meal Plan

    Contact Us: 



    5% off at check out when you bundle. Not used with any other discount code.


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